Friday 2 December 2011

Emma Hattersley - Practice Soap Trailer

This is our first attempt at creating a soap trailer, i worked in a group of 3 when editing on imovie for the first time. The aim of this task was not to create to become familiar with the editing process aswell to have a better understanding of what was required when we came to make the final trailer such as costume, lighting, props, camera angles and all that goes with filming.

after doing said task i had a better understanding of camera angles, the importance of costume and how it can make you be perceived, confidence is key, and how the pitch and tone of your voice can make a scene.

camera angles; good camera work is vital when filming, for example when working on this mock trailer we found that half of our footage was wasted due to the camera being facing the day light we lost the characters and was left with outlines instead, this unable'd you to see facial expressions and the position the characters where to each other, this made us wiser to lighting and angles when dealing with the camera and we wouldn't make the same mistake in our final production.

the importance of costume; i found that costume was a important tool to the characters as it defines each to their own and portrays a identity, for example the blue dress could indicate she is a cold heart'ed person, as we later find she is trying to split with her fiance who seems excited for the honeymoon, and he is wearing sunglasses as though he cant wait to be there he is already dressing for the occasion.

Not only are all these things to take into account, i think i have met other conventions such as familiar story lines that people can relate to and title cards that hook the audience as it gives a feeling of they are finding information about whats happened before it has even happened.

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