Wednesday 7 December 2011

Final Magazine Ancillary

as you can see we made alterations to the masthead by making it yellow it stands out more, also we have shifted the bar code to the right hand side, but a box around 'exclusive' and changed the color of 'Bamford' and 'George street' to red, i think all these alterations have made it much more effective, by adding a box around 'exclusive' it has made it stand out and is no longer lost in the background scenery this also applies to the alterations made to the text our features, previously the yellow was hard to see due to the yellow bar therefor was made more visible from the changes. i'm happy with the outcome of our magazine as it captures the rivalry between the two stars and it anchors 'Fred' as stuck in the middle, as well with the red color code resembling both love for 'Fred' and hate for the opponent in his love affair.

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