Thursday 22 March 2012

Evaluation 3 - Audience feed back

i created a mood board for the typical TOWIE audience profile, the results of the mood board showed on average the typical TOWIE viewer was 16-25 years of age and was glamerous, lives a celebrity lifestyle, was in touch with fashion, lived the partying life style and spent alot of there time grooming themselfs and getting the top new car or phone.
we used the mood board as a idial for the props, costumes and even inturprited our findings into the script.

the first hand feedback we recived goes as follows:

criticism from viewer:

1st draft: "some of the clips need to be shorter, it doesnt seem to flow as well as it could"
comment: i have also noticed the flow wasnt as good as it could be, but i couldnt put my finger on the problem, i will make sure to shorten the clips so i can fit in more scenes and make it fast and snappy.

final draft: "the music is to high at some points, and is hard to hear what is being said"
comment: i didnt notice this, so will make sure to improve the music volume in those certain areas.

positivity from viewer:

"its so funny"
"i love the song you have played over it, it fits in so well"
"i like how you have made chracteristics for them all, like fred always says 'reem' its funny"
"because they all have quirks, its like i already know them"

Evaluation 2